to translate an advanced-level general-topic English text of around 400 words into excellent French while respecting the norms of professional translation the course equips students with the skills they need to accomplish this task, including learning how to carry out documentary and terminological research in an effective way, making effective use of word-processing functions, and respecting applicable typographical standards. weigh up the suitability of different translation options, and be able to ‘stand back' and select the most suitable of these in light of the different parameters involved. convey the message of the original respecting the author's intentions as well as using suitable equivalent style and register make effective use of translation strategies to resolve difficulties that are typical of English to French translation (translation of idiomatic constructions, elliptical sentences, etc.) and to produce a translation in a natural and fluent French On completion of this course students should be able to: Lecturers each part represents 50% of the final mark This teaching unit (UE) includes two course units: translation and interpreting the final examination is subdivided into two parts (a writtentranslation examination and a combined consecutive interpreting /oral summarizing examination)